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Stalker Journals "Time for some Action": Digital PDF

Image of Stalker Journals "Time for some Action": Digital PDF


The Almighty StreetTeam are a collective of uniquely skilled individuals who have come together to face threats that one member alone can't stop.

Stalker Journals is where it all starts. This is the story of how James Warren aka Stalker brought these individuals together.

GrandMaster Oguun has unleashed his wrath on The great metropolis of Kingdom City. His Lieutenant Kaine is as cunning as he is ruthless with a cluster of Silverlords under his command he has been tasked with retrieving an experimental piece of technology and bringing it back to the GrandMaster.

Standing in the way of this sinister plan is the champion of Kingdom City Marcus Dubel aka EXCES. In a race against time Exces joins The Leader of The Almighty StreetTeam Stalker in a desperate attempt to Thwart Kaine from achieving his diabolical goal.

Will our heroes be successful. Only one way to find out

This chapter is called "Time for some Action"

16 Pages Full Color.

The Creative Team


Pencils/Stanley Weaver
Inks/Chris Turner
Colors/Ferry Verdyal


Pencils-Inks/Wade King
Colors/Tom Bacon
Scenario/Stanley Weaver
Writer/Chris Turner
Letters & Edits: James Mason

Surveilance Photo

Pencils/ Stanley Weaver
Inks/Chris Turner
Colors/Tom Bacon


Pencils/Stanley Weaver
Inks/Chris Turner
Colors/Axel Phoeniix